Lee Miller

Rare, vintage and fine books by and about Lee Miller, including first editions, biographies, monographs and exhibition catalogues.

Lee Miller (1907-1977) was an American born photographer and fashion model. She photographed alongside Man Ray, was married to Roland Penrose, and worked for Vogue magazine as a war correspondent. Contemporary publications featuring Miller's work are predominantly magazines, but two books are of note - Grim Glory. Pictures of Britain Under Fire (1941) and Wrens in Camera (1945). Numerous exhibition catalogues, biographies and monographs have been published since her death. 

Below are the books by and about Lee Miller which we currently carry. If there is a specific book on Lee Miller that you would like to find or sell, please get in touch.

3 Items
The Art of Lee Miller

The catalogue for the V&A's centenary exhibition of Lee Miller's photographs.

Lee Miller Photographs

A visual survey of Lee Miller's photographic career.

The Lives of Lee Miller

First edition of Antony Penrose's survey of the life and art of the photographer Lee Miller.