Patrick Mauries.
Galerie Chastel Marechal. Paris. 2004. First edition. Hardback; grey boards, dust jacket. 120 pages. Illustrated in colour. French, with English translation. 300 x 250mm. 1.1kg. 02070772403. Fine; as new, in shrink-wrap.
A book on the sculptural and poetic mirrors created by the French designer Line Vautrin. Vautrin's mirrors were formed using a material she created called Talosel, a plastic based on cellulose acetate. The Talosel base was shaped, scraped and encrusted with multi-coloured pieces of mirror. Her works are instantly recognisable and are widely collected. Line Vautrin Miroirs was published to coincide with an exhibition at the Galerie Chastel Marechal and acts as a foundation catalogue of Vautrin's mirrors.