A complete catalogue of the paintings of Keith Vaughan created in the three decades Post-War.
The auction catalogue for the contents of Stephen Tennant's Wilsford Manor home.
A scarce Yohji Yamamoto title, filled with end-of-the-century fashion photographs.
A scarce catalogue for an exhibition on Line Vautrin hosted by the L'Arc en Seine gallery in Paris.
Auction catalogue and associated ephemera on the jewellery desginer Line Vautrin.
A scarce catalogue of Jean-Michel Frank's furniture designs.
An exploration of the Major Arcana tarot deck created by Leonora Carrington.
The scarce hardback catalogue of Basquiat's vibrant, restless drawings.
Weber's scarce and influential scrapbook-style book set in Rio de Janeiro.
A rare unused example of the very first Valentine's greetings telegram.
The definitive collection of Mapplethorpe's black-and-white photographs, sumptuously illustrated in this massive album.
A signed presentation copy of Philip Sassoon's travel book, with the scarce dust jacket by Rex Whistler.
An original Commedia dell'Arte-inspired engraving by Gino Severini.
Poetry collected by Edith Sitwell, with a cover by Vorticist William Roberts.